Every event needs to be carefully planned and coordinated before the presentations can begin.
Often it hasn't yet been decided during the planning stage of an event whether there will actually be a need for a presentation.
MY role, however, already begins AT THIS STAGE. If all my clients realized this they would include me in the planning much earlier. It is essential if the planned event is to be organized and carried through in a professional manner: for the general concept of the presentation, the unhindered flow of information, the acoustics,….

My editorial input DURING the event and the entire presentation is vital. After all, it is in YOUR interests that the message you are trying to send is received by the target group even if it should shift to another during the course of the event….
I try to make sure that your message does get across while I'm at the micophone. I create the bridge between your information and the expectations of your audience.


With fairs I generally mean TRADE FAIRS, places where products or services are being exhibited that need to be explained and presented, such as machines, vehicles or electronic systems. Alternatively the emphasis might be on technical or scientific subjects.
It is just as important for me to understand the complexities and correct functioning of a product as it is to present it competently and professionally. My background as a technician (electronics) helps tremendously in this respect. This experience allows me to expertly guide the audience through the presentation in their own language.
A visitor to a fair often receives his or her first impressions of a stand from a show or presentation that happens to be taking place at that moment. Does it absorb their attention? Is it employing methods that go beyond things like fog, stroboscopic lighting, video screens or disco music, to make them look up and take note?
If the show effects and the presentation are effectively combined the impact is so much greater. And it is exactly this effect that the client's own sales and marketing people cannot always succeed at creating.
An initial overview of your products that is both clear and convincing and that is presented expertly and in two languages by myself will ensure the customer's trust in you as an exhibitor, in your selling points, in the quality of your products and in your service.
In my presentations I am PERSONALLY LOOKING AFTER your most important capital - your customers!


On account of my sales experience as a former sales engineer I am today supporting as a presenter EXACTLY THE SAME target group that I used to have dealings with 'solely' on a one-to-one basis. Technical knowledge and knowledge of human nature is vital in this context - and this goes above and beyond a technical discussion of a particular topic. Today I pay attention to these values when I'm editing or at the microphone.


I've been told that I have an unassuming, friendly way of coming across when I'm at the microphone - guests at an event quickly get into the swing of things!
This is as much the case for cultural discussions as for festive balls - or even when I appear together with a band and compere an event not forgetting live presentations in front of the camera.


The same applies to presenting as to VOICEWORK: I can do presentations in both English or German. After more than 20 years of professional presenting experience I've had the good fortune of visiting many international locations - Lisbon, Zurich, Munich, Bonn, Düsseldorf and Hannover, to name just a few.
I will convey your message to an international audience in the lingua franca ENGLISH - clearly, understandably and personally. And nothing increases the value of a presentation so much as the fact that visitors from different countries are able to immediately understand the information you're giving them and act upon it!
I can help you to be successful with my excellent command of World English (besides German).
Those who have experienced it are able to appreciate it!


I provide recorded background music for presentations on request.
The types of music being available: pop, oldies, country, easy listening, Christmas music…


Winter romance sets in once it's time to read Christmas stories in the big shopping centres in November and December. Although children are the intended audience it is always surprising to see that these stories are enjoyed just as much by the adults that stop to listen!
But then, why should that surprise us?